eBook Glasses Reader


It would be great for book lovers, readers to have a sun-glasses that we can were it above our medical glass, and it has E-Ink power in a way that shows only the text, and make the background invisible so the reader can see through it while walking or talking.

The nice thing about E-Ink:


🔘 It does not consume too much power like LCD, or VR headsets, this will make the battery small and last long time.
🔘 It has a very good resolution.
🔘 Good contrast
🔘 Works in the day light under the sun
🔘 Cheaper Price
🔘 Less eye strain


This idea has been sent to:

🔘 Amazon Kindle
🔘 Kobo Aura
🔘 Bookeen Cybook
🔘 Nook GlowLight


About Reader Man حسين ناجي الصفافير

حسين ناجي الصفافير Hussain Naji Al-Safafeer Info: https://readerman1.wordpress.com/aboutme
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